
Something Bad Is On The Moon

Game description:

In Something Bad is on the Moon, players delve into a shadowy narrative that follows the hidden aftermath of Apollo 17, the last mission to the moon publicly acknowledged. The game posits that did Apollo 17 encounter unexplained anomalies, and subsequent missions, shrouded in secrecy, were dispatched to investigate these occurrences. Players are thrust into a setting where historical records and conspiracy theories intersect, challenging them to piece together the truth behind decades of governmental secrecy.

Exploration and Discovery 

Assuming the role of an astronaut sent on a classified recovery mission, players explore a realistically rendered moon surface and derelict lunar bases left from previous expeditions. The control scheme is intuitive, with WASD for movement, Space for jumping, Shift for a quick sprint, and the right mouse button to closely examine objects and surroundings. This setup is crucial as players gather clues, navigate through abandoned modules, and solve puzzles that unlock the dark secrets of what really happened during and after Apollo 17. The game's atmosphere is dense with tension, using the stark lunar landscape and eerie silence to amplify the sense of isolation and danger that pervades the narrative.



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