Game description:
Schoolboy Runaway new update is a stealth adventure game where players take the role of a student trying to escape from a locked school. The player must find a way out by solving puzzles, unlocking doors, and avoiding teachers and staff who patrol the halls. With each step, new obstacles appear, and every mistake can lead to getting caught and sent back to the starting point.
New Features and Gameplay Changes
The latest update adds new rooms, extra puzzles, and improved AI for the school staff. Teachers now have expanded patrol routes, meaning players need to be more careful when moving between rooms. Some doors now require special keys hidden in lockers, and new distractions have been added, allowing players to create noise to lure staff away from important areas. The update also introduces a stamina system, limiting how long the player can run before needing to stop and recover.
Progress and Replayability
With the new update, Schoolboy Runaway offers multiple escape paths, encouraging players to explore different strategies each time they play. Collectible items scattered throughout the school also give players bonus points for finding hidden objects. Combined with the improved AI and expanded map, this update makes every escape attempt slightly different, giving players a reason to replay and master all the new challenges.