
Game description:

Zoonomaly positions players within a vast zoo overridden by monstrous entities, presenting a blend of horror and puzzle-solving gameplay within an expansive open-world setting. The game’s structure allows for flexibility, letting players decide their route to unraveling the game's central mystery and halting the monstrous outbreak. 

Embarking on Zoonomaly 

Your mission is to infiltrate the zoo now under siege by aberrant creatures, uncover what has led to this peculiar invasion, and eliminate the threat. This involves the crucial task of gathering fragmented pieces of a key distributed across the zoo. Solving enigmas within each animal habitat is essential to retrieving these fragments. Upon gathering all pieces, they merge to form a master key, revealing and potentially neutralizing the monstrous plague's origin.

Navigating the Beastly Grounds 

The zoo’s expanse is yours to traverse, offering numerous puzzles, mazes, and monstrous encounters within an eerily engaging environment. Survival is paramount, demanding avoidance of the indestructible anomalies that roam the zoo. Armed with a Bloom O'Bang, a tool offering protection and the ability to perceive invisible monstrous auras, you’re better equipped to face the lurking dangers. Success hinges on locating and assembling key shards found within various enclosures by resolving the puzzles therein, each puzzle bringing you closer to uncovering the zoo's dark secrets and restoring peace.


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