That's not my Neighbor Mobile

Game description:

The Doorman's Dilemma Goes Mobile Stepping into the shoes of a doorman in That's Not My Neighbor Mobile, players find themselves at the forefront of an unusual challenge. Set in a world where doppelgangers have infiltrated society, your task is to distinguish these impostors from the actual residents of the apartment building you're guarding. The game takes the intriguing premise of its predecessors and adapts it for on-the-go gaming, allowing players to engage with its unique mechanics anytime, anywhere. The mobile version maintains the core experience, focusing on keen observation and quick decision-making to prevent these creatures from slipping past your watch. How to Play Playing That's Not My Neighbor Mobile involves tapping into your inner detective. You're presented with a series of individuals seeking entry to the building. Each one comes with identification and a reason for their visit. Your job is to scrutinize their documents, compare their stories to the information you have on hand, and decide whether they're telling the truth or attempting to deceive. The game leverages touchscreen controls for examining documents closely and selecting your actions, providing a tactile element to the investigation. Success hinges on your ability to catch discrepancies and make split-second decisions, ensuring the safety of the building's legitimate inhabitants.


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