Game description:
Neon Hearts City follows Elijah Crow, a private investigator navigating a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis in search of a missing girl named Audrey. As Crow delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a network of zealots operating in the shadows. These individuals target androids and societal outcasts, tying them into a larger conspiracy with implications that threaten the city’s fragile balance.Uncover the City’s Secrets
The world of Neon Hearts City spans diverse and interconnected locations. Along the shoreline, androids are manipulated into becoming sacrifices for enigmatic rituals. Offshore, a towering structure hides knowledge capable of unraveling civilization itself. Above the city, Roark Prison floats as a grim reminder of the regime’s control over thought and dissent. Each location offers clues that piece together a story of control, rebellion, and survival.Point-and-Click Adventure in a Cyberpunk World
The game employs classic point-and-click mechanics, tasking players with solving puzzles, managing an inventory, and uncovering hidden connections. Pixel-art environments bring the city’s dystopian atmosphere to life, offering areas to explore and mysteries to unravel. As Crow gathers evidence and interacts with NPCs, the narrative expands, tying personal stakes to the larger conspiracy.Neon Hearts City presents a narrative-driven adventure set in a richly imagined future. With its focus on investigation, exploration, and storytelling, the game delivers a compelling experience for fans of cyberpunk and detective stories.